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YOUR Destiny Ep 19 - What we learned from GenCon

Claus Staal and Mads Utzon is looking at what we've learned from Gen Con 2018. Is the Millpocalypse upon us or is their a dim light at the end of the tunnel?! We also have a short interview with Nicolas Cuenca from the Hyperloops hearing his predictions prior to Gen Con.

[NOTE: Unfortunately we lost quite a lot of the audio for this podcast episode due to file corruption and we apologize profusely for this! We'lll do an in-depth interview with Nick Cuenca when possible - sorry!].

YOUR Destiny is a Star Wars Destiny Podcast on everything related to Star Wars Destiny CCG.

The show is hosted by Claus Staal and Mads Utzon and of course produced by Adriana Tovar Velez.


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