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Echobase Thursday Night | Star Wars Destiny

Writer's picture: TopDeckTCGTopDeckTCG

Updated: Mar 11, 2023

Echobase is coming at you with 4 Rounds of Swiss in the ARH Format for Star Wars Destiny.


00:00 Introductions

02:15 Luke Skywalker (DoP), Kawlan Roken vs Tala Durith, Kallus and a Bothan Spy

35:25 Ren and Q'ira vs Tala Durith, Kallus and a Bothan Spy

59:00 Talzin (EoD), Rukh and Emporer's Royal Guard vs Dryden Vos and Soontir Fel

1:40:15 Aayla Secura and Kanan Jarrus vs Tala Durith, Kallus and Bothan Spy

2:19:00 Sy Snootles, Figrin D'an and Max Rebo vs Din Djarin and Jawa Junk Dealer

2:43:45 Leia Organa (SA) and 2 Republic Senators vs Kendall Ozzel, Tiaan Jerjerrod and Jabba the Hutt

3:20:00 Qui-Gon Jinn and Kuill vs Din Djarin and Jawa Junk Dealer

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